Monday, September 9, 2013

Ambling through the fields

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Me and my doggy friend

This morning I dropped Theo off for his first session at nursery and afterwards for the first time in two years, I walked the dogs on my own. 

We beat a rapid pulse-quickening path around the fields and made it back to the house in record time. The dogs looked tired and slightly bewildered, this is not how we normally do things!

But Theo shall be back with us tomorrow, so we shall be ambling again. Stopping to stare at planes in the sky, examining the ants on the ground and watching the tractors on the horizon...

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  1. Ah, that will be me on Thursday (less the dog walking)! Enjoy a bit of peace and quiet! x

  2. You know I could learn a thing or two from Theo - stopping to smell the roses (or watch the ants).

  3. Ahhhh - bittersweet times indeed! And there's me getting a pup so I will have the excuse to get outside now that my youngest is at school!

    Thanks for your comment yesterday - I did find some lovely colourful ladies' stuff too, including a lovely cabled sweater:


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