Sunday, May 2, 2010

Making the most of a long weekend

It's Sunday evening and STILL not time to think about going back to work. How I love long weekends...

This weekend we've been painting our newly acquired patio fence. The fence was part of my sanity saving garden makeover - spending money on a house we will only live in for two years, but paying it forward for the next military tenants. We painted it a shade I like to think of as Mediterranean sky blue!

And then of course we needed some cushions to match the paint. I've lost count of how many cushion covers I've made this year, but I think I'm done now...

Of course there has been creativity in the kitchen too. Back in January when we enjoyed the first of the Cypriot strawberry crop, we were told by someone that later in the year they'd be so plentiful and cheap, that we'd be making smoothies out of them, and they were right...

(That glass really is as big as it looks by the way!)

And finally there has been skirt making... This month I will be taking part in a very small way in a brilliant project called Me-Made-May. I don't have a large enough homemade wardrobe to commit to wearing clothes I've made for every day of the month, so I'll instead be doing Me-Made-May-Monday... Starting tomorrow.

AND we'll also be spending a couple of hours in the kitchen of one of the best restaurants in Cyprus... They'll be lots to post tomorrow!


  1. Lovely...long sigh! You've brightened up a very damp and gloomy UK day, thank you.

  2. I sooooooooooo want that smoothie, it looks utterly delicious.

  3. sun , smoothies and sky blue- nice combination . We have hailstones at the minute!!

  4. Very pretty shade of blue! Looks very Mediterranean!


  5. I love your patio garden and sitting there enjoying a strawberry smoothie is a taste of heaven!! ~Enjoy!!~

  6. Strawberries in January,lucky you and I thought we did well enjoying Italian ones in April.


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