Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Renovation countdown - 7 weeks to go

I am a little bit in love with this book....

Last weekend we started work clearing everything in preparation for the builders arriving on site in 7 weeks time. What this basically meant was an entire morning spent at the dump disposing of things we had accumulated and (mostly) the previous owners had left lying around (bricks and rubble mainly) followed by the rewarding purchase of another interiors book to drool over.

We discovered (perhaps faced up to is a better phrase) that a rickety old garage we have been storing things in is not watertight and a lot of the things in it are now sopping wet. This helped expediate the disposal of a few things, but may also expediate the disposal of the garage itself, which is an entirely more exciting prospect... This is the very garage that I one day dream of turning into Maybush Studio. We shall have to see if we can juggle things in the budget. I seem to spend most of my days now shuffling numbers around Excel spreadsheets.

On a positive note however our staircase quote has come in under budget and I'm giddy with excitement at the prospect of living with oak open riser stairs. Trust me, you would never ever find open riser stairs in a military quarter. Maybe that's why I'm so excited!

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  1. Exciting times! Looking forward to watching the project unfold! Make sure you keep us posted :D Claire x

  2. Okay so it is simply lovely to see someone else's pile of junk... I feel like you are emptying my basement but wait - I still have mine full of stuff. Ian used to work over in the Eastern Block doing NATO inspections of bases and was given prezzies from his regular trips including things like the joy stick of a Hind Helicopter. Why me... still I am lucky he didn't bring home the free Russian tank he was offered. Only the $1 million price tag to transport it home saved me from a unique lawn ornament or kids play structure. I really need an army purge - you know the type that happens when they retire and can get rid of every version of the uniform etc. that he may have to turn back in!! I will have at least a room and 3 closets. But I can't hold my breath.

  3. Things are moving forward nicely then.

  4. Exciting times. I'm still throwing out junk that we have moved from room to room after our fire . The main problem is not acquiring more junk to fill up the space!


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