Saturday, February 19, 2011

Counting down

Curium ampitheatre

Somehow two weeks have flown by without an update! With only two months left in Cyprus we've been a little busy organising ourselves for our move to Scotland....

The dog's flights to Gatwick are now booked, we've arranged our "march out" date from the house and the customary military "pre-march out" visit where the house is inspected before we leave. We've requested our preference of two locations to live in Scotland, arranged our removal date, started selling anything which we no longer need and filled in a hundred forms about furniture, cars and flights. This is the routine we go through every two years!

The last few months in any location are always a little odd, we're stuck in limbo, not wanting to do as much as hang a picture or buy a large box of tea bags. I haven't even done any sewing since Christmas as any new project will necessitate a fabric order, which is then just more stuff for us to move.

The weather however has been lovely and we are enjoying the sunshine safe in the knowledge we will be leaving just as he greenery dies off and the temperatures start to rise... I wonder what summer in Scotland will be like? Apparently in midsummer the days are very long...


  1. oh my! hope everything goes well with the move and I guess you will find it very different in Scotland-enjoy the sunshine while you can!

  2. Hello Clare!! I've missed your last couple of posts (I've got to pay better attention!) and have enjoyed catching up on your blog. Your trips look just amazing--Like you, I'm drawn to empty buildings and enjoyed your pictures taken of the hotel. It certainly looks like a grand place in its day and anyone would have loved to stay there.

    My husband is retired from the military and I know all the work that goes into a move, but I hope you're still able to enjoy your last days in Cyprus and I hope you'll have a blog of your new home in Scotland!

  3. You might be interested in a blog I read written by an Italian couple about their life in Scotland!

  4. Thanks for the link Lindy. It's really annoying, about a year ago I found a blog of a couple who lived in the Highlands, but didn't bookmark it... and now can't find it again!

    Kim, thank you also for your sympathy and understanding - it's a pretty unique life we lead isn't it. I just hope one day we'll get to settle down in a nice place with our hounds just like you!


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