I've been a bit absent from the blog for the last couple of weeks while I've settled back in to life in Scotland after the Christmas break so time for a much overdue catch-up.
Wonderfully we are now over halfway through Jim's deployment and with the evenings getting lighter and the Scottish winter staying unseasonably mild, I'm feeling pretty positive about getting through the second half of the tour. However being distracted from this space has meant it's been 6 weeks since I posted any baby photos and I know I'll regret not keeping track of Theo's development later, so I best get it down in a post...
Over the Christmas break Theo got his first two teeth, which was a bit of a surprise as they popped up without much warning and only a bit of increased dribbling and putting fingers in his mouth! Taking this as my cue, I've started introducing him to solids with just a little baby porridge each day. I must say I'm reluctant to leave milk behind though, it is so quick, simple and clean in comparison!
Theo is now weighing just over 16 pounds, nearly twice his birth weight and representing a pretty steady weight gain of half a pound a week. No sign of him sitting up on his own yet, so we've bought him a beanbag which he enjoys as a change from being on the playmat. I know bumbo seats are extremely popular at this age, but with apologies to my friends who all have them (sorry!) I have to admit I just cannot stand the look of them, so T will have to do without!
Our two trips down south to see family mean that Theo has now taken 4 flights in the first 4 months of his life, with at least another two more to come before his first birthday - although thank heavens Jim will be back for those. None of the flights themselves have been particularly difficult, it's just the length of time involved in traveling to the airport, checking in and flying, combined with maneuvering a luggage trolly and buggy through the airport on my own that hasn't been particularly brilliant. Though lots of complete strangers have offered to help which has been a plus!
It really is amazing how much T's changed over the last few months. He was a pretty dependent demanding baby when Jim left in October and we as new parents were still struggling to find our feet and get him into a routine, and now he's a cheeky funny interactive individual. I cannot wait to see what his daddy makes of him when he gets back!